Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Two Teeth ~ Two Brothers 7/30/12

Boys lost teeth in same day. Wyatt was brushing teeth getting ready for church, and Drake was bobbing for apples.  What are the chances. 

August 2013 Day one....check!

I walked into Greenwood toward the kindergarten hall to pick up Kenna after day one.  However, I ran into Wyatt first, who was in the process of picking up Kenna from her classroom...
"Mom! It was the best day EVER!  Kenna, I saw you having so much fun in PE, playing freeze or something.  Did you love kindergarten? Mom, Drake is in the bathroom."
He walked to pick up Drake, and he had it all under control.  All 3 of them were so excited. It was such a lovely feeling to have them so pumped about school. We are so grateful for the staff of Greenwood Elementary.
Drake said, "Mom, I got to move my pin up!  It was such a great day!"  Then, he preceded to inundate Wyatt with questions about 2nd grade.
Mrs Joyce, another 3rd grade teacher, asked Wyatt, in the hallway, how the day was going.  Wyatt said, "This is going to be the BEST year yet!!"  Mrs Joyce said that the look of pride and excitement in his eyes was priceless.
Today, when I walked them to school for the second day (against their wishes, of wanting to go alone) Wyatt was inistant that I could not walk upstairs to his classroom. I needed to get a paper from his teacher, but I backed off, and said I would get it later.  Wow, Mr big kid doesn't want his parents upstairs in the 3rd grade rooms.  geeesh!
Drake, as predicted, walked off to his classroom, cool and collected and under the radar.
Kenna, got into her room (she did allow me in) and went to hug her new friend Gabby. Priceless.

Thanksgiving Requests 2013

Thanksgiving requests~

Drake, "slimy, really slimy stuffing."
Don't you mean moist buddy? 
"Yeah.  And mashed potatoes and gravy."

Wyatt, "Hamballs." 

6/28/14 Letters to Wyatt

here are d & k's emails to wyatt....4 hrs after we dropped w off at camp:)

I hope you have fun at camp. I wish I was there with you. Did you play gaga ball? We played Jenga tonight.I miss you.
Peanut and lucy miss you too.
I hope you like camp.
From, Kenna


Hey Wyatt! Its my lucky day. Nonnie 2 new book on tapes, roscoe rileys. GG dropped off my stuffed anomals and she fixed hippy hobo DJ. 
What was the first subject you did? Peanut and lucy are getting along real good. See you at boy scout camp! I love you.

What are you looking forward to eating at Thanksgiving?

here are your answers, straight from their mouths....

Drake-Dressing with everything on it.

Kenna-Pumpkin pie and cranberries (shaped like a can:)

Wyatt-Golden rolls (he seems to think this is product all should know.  I think he is just trying to find the best word to signify that he does not want any "wheat" involved in the roll. He is currently searching for a house to live in that buys white bread products exclusively:)

​jess-mashed potatoes​

Rae she goes!

My little Rae Rae is off tomorrow to kindergarten. On one hand, and definitely in her opinion, it is a long time coming.  There isn't a week gone by that she hasn't reminded me that she should be in first grade by now!!  The first gush of sadness came just the other day when she got out her soccer shoes and said, "Mom, I was with you when we bought these. We bought them at a store where we got Wyatt a soccer ball, too."
That's when it completely hit me. All those little errands, bike rides, playdates, lunches together are done for now.  Though little K Rae really pushes the buttons sometimes, it is going to be so sad to not have her here with me. But, oh goodness, is she ready for kindergarten. She actually thought she could just walk to school, by herself, with the boys tomorrow.  I said, "Mommies or daddies usually take their kindergartners for the first few days!"
She is so ready to follow her brothers and be a big kid.
I have come to tears as I look at her many times the past couple weeks. I just want to back up a month or so....just have a few more weeks.  But I know that even if that were possible; I'd just want a few more and a few more, when the big moment arrived.
I doubt that the tears I shed tonight will be the last, but I will follow Mrs. Iles instructions and "only cry in the hallway."
This, of course, is a bit different this year, because I give all 3 of them to school tomorrow morning. I hold comfort in that there will be another 9 months. And though I don't know where the next few months will take me, as I adjust, I do feel blessed to be at home with them, as I cannot get enough of their time right now. These young years are precious...and I am trying to enjoy each day.
I have to take this moment and process it as an end of an more babies at home. I am grateful for the time we have had together this summer and the years past. This is a new chapter; an inevitable one.  Though its incredibly hard at this moment, I am so proud of Kenna Rae and can't wait to see what this year brings.

April Fools

My Foodie

Flying Mango

Luunch at Greenwood with the big kids...