Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Drake has had a couple conversations lately that are totally cracking me up; about girlfriends.  In both of these instances, he did not think I could hear him.

Drake's conversation with Brady over lunch~
Drake-Do you have a girlfriend?
Drake-Who is it?
Brady-I'll tell you if you tell me your girlfriend.
Drake-Promise you won't tell anyone, except your sister.
Brady-My girlfriend is Sarah.
Drake-I'll whisper mine to you.
Brady-My girlfriend has an old house.  She has a tree with vines you can swing on.
Drake-I've never been to my girlfriend's house.  Maren has brown hair.
Brady-Does she know that you love her?

Drake & Brady in the backseat of the car, again, thinking I cannot hear them. 
Drake - Lydia is in love with me, but I am not in love with Lydia.

Later the same day, he says to Jess, "I am Lydia's girlfriend, but she is not my girlfriend."  What is super cute, is this little doll has been in the same preschool class with Drake since they were 1 yr old.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Incredible Naples Vacation

We had an absolutely fabulous time in Naples, visiting Nana & Papa Ledinsky.  The kids count day, literally, all year long until we go for our annual trip. We had perfect weather this year.  We spent everyday at the beach & the kids made many "beach friends."  We also went boating, out for ice-cream, fishing, a trip to Marco Island to visit Kramers, dancing, and so much more.  We are always sad to leave...and the kids begin counting down the days until next year.  Here are some quotes from our vacation.

Drake (right as we stepped off the plane onto the jet bridge)
I smell Florida!  I smell HOT!

I miss Molly when I am here.  I think Harper misses me.

Wyatt (during many beach games played as Wyatt & Drake against Jon)
If you wanted the Hawkeyes to win, you should have had us be the Hawkeyes.

Conner from Connecticut was one of the friends the kids made at the beach.  Luckily, Conner's vacation was just about as long as ours, so the kids got to play with him almost everyday.  One day, I started talking to Kenna about her "Girls ONLY!" behavior that day when Conner wanted to play.
Jess:  Girls can be friends with boys, too.  Mom has friends that are boys.
Kenna:  Like you and Tom, Mom?
(she was referring to Tom Lewandowski, and just totally cracked me up.)
Jess:  Yes, Kenna, like me & Tom.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kenna's Actress Name

That girl surprises me everyday with something.  Today, as we walked through Phil & Jean Kramer's Naples condo, she turns to me and says, "Mom, I want to change my name to Grace."