Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Walk (aka RUN) to School

Our third day walking Wyatt to school, and though I bring the stroller, they all run, really fast, most of the way.  They know each "stopping point" where they have to stop, wait for me to catch up, then take off again down the sidewalk.  Kenna tries her hardest to keep up with them, but is in the dust.  The boys were so sweet, as she came running up and they had been stopped a while, Wyatt said, "Kenna, you just beat all those guys behind you!!"  So, the rest of the walk, the boys kept saying that to her.  They are imagining "guys" so Kenna can "win" somebody.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day....AWESOME!

Wyatt was thrilled to go to kindergarten this morning.  It was a tough good-bye for Jon and I, but Wyatt did not know that.  Mrs. Iles turned to the lingering parents and whispered, "If you are going to cry, it is time to leave!"  And we did.  He's such a big boy now!  We kept very busy during Wyatt's first day of kindergarten.  Drake, Kenna & I went to the Science Ctr, library, out to lunch with Nonnie, grocery store, then it was almost time to pick him up.  He ran out of the classroom saying, "It was AWESOME!"  I was so relieved to hear that, but I had a feeling he would love it.
Drake's hilarious quote of the day, nothing to do with kindergarten, was to do with toothbrushes.  We bought new ones at the store.  Right when we got home, he ran upstairs to brush his teeth & put it in its proper place.  He brought me his old one, "Mom, I want to sell this at the garage sale."  So precious.  Just a little entrepreneur.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Tomorrow is the big day for Wyatt.  Off to Kindergarten. Tonight at bedtime, we all gave him "advice" for his first day.
Mom ~ Be a good friend to everyone.  Use good manners.
Drake ~ Be nice to all the friends.
Kenna ~ I love you.

Wyatt asked if I remembered that Mrs. Iles gave me a red puff ball at open house last night to hold onto if I missed him.  I told him I remember.  He said he will miss us too.
I have thought this whole summer that this transition would not be too difficult because Wyatt has been so eager & excited, but it is really the last couple days he has talked more about missing us.  Hopefully, I am getting all my tears out now, because I do not want him to see me sad tomorrow, as I know that will worry him.  I know he will love it, and in a week or so, we will all be adjusted to him being gone 7 hours each day.  But wow, what a milestone, a transition, huge emotional roller coaster.  Of course, we all know when we have a child, that someday they will go off to kindergarten, so why does this sadness feel so sudden, so suffocating, and uncontrollable?  I know I will take comfort in Wyatt's positive, eager attitude once he wakes up tomorrow, ready for this big day he has been planning for so long.  My little guy, off to school, what a slice of life, and a moment I'll always remember.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Their Own Houses

The kids talk about, all the time, their own houses when they grow up; what color they will be, what pets they will have, that there will be lots of candy there, etc.  Pets are a huge focus at our house and they have planned many times, how pets will fit into their lives in the years to come.  Here is a recent conversation between the kids;
Wyatt ~ I will have my own house and have baby Harleys (aka yellow labs).
Drake ~ I will have baby kitties, and I will have a box thing that I can put them in and bring them to Wyatt's house and spend the night.
Kenna ~ ME TOO!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drumming at the Fair with Greenbrier

After a great Sheltered Reality concert at the Iowa State Fair, Wyatt had not had enough drumming.  When we stepped into Diamond Jacks, to cool off for a minute, Wyatt ended up on stage with Greenbrier, and their drummer, Derald "Animal" Bell, politely let Wyatt guest drum for a song, "Keep Your Hands to Yourself."  The crowd went wild and asked for an encore!  It was a great time for all.  Wyatt was so excited to get a Greenbrier tee-shirt, CD & drumsticks, all autograped!  Check out the link to see his performance on youtube.
Wyatt drumming with Greenbrier

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trip to Illinois & Wisconsin

We spent time in Chicago visiting lots of family & friends; Aunt Nancy & Uncle Jay, Costellos, Chans & Knights.  From there, we went on a Ledinsky family trip to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.  The kids had a blast on the beach, bumper boats, skiing, tubing & a trip to the racetrack was a favorite.  As we were leaving the racetrack, Wyatt saw one of the drivers sitting in the stands with his family.  He stopped me and asked if he could give the driver some money because he did such a good job. I started to say we needed to get going, but Wyatt persisted.  I think he thought this was necessary because of our experiences watching live, local music, he is always sure to fill the tip jar a few times.   He was so persistent, and his heart was really in it, so I dug out a couple dollars & Wyatt raced up the stands to give it to the driver.  He, of course, refused to take Wyatt's money, but as I told the driver it was really important to Wyatt, he took it.  Wyatt was so proud to get his picture taken with this great race car driver.