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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Babies & Sugar~Surely you see the connection

The kids have been asking for another baby for our family lately.  Drake says its not fair that Kenna doesn't have a sister.  However, Wyatt took the cake for why we need another baby.
Wyatt:  Mom, we really need another baby.
Me:  Why, Wyatt?
Wyatt:  Because we can go to the hospital to visit and go in that room that has stuff, ya' know, they have that frig, and it has sugar stuff in it?
Seriously, he wants me to have a baby so he can go to the hospital hospitality room. When I think his need for sugar & snacks cannot surprise me, it does.  Remember, he hasn't been to this "sugar room" in over two & half years.

We went to the Botanical Center's Easter Event this weekend. The kids had a blast. They were able to hold bunnies & chicks and see the Easter Bunny.

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