Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Boom Boom Cow

All three tots have been obsessed with the Black Eyed Peas song, Boom Boom "Cow" lately, named by Kenna.  Its their "dance party" song.  Don't worry; I downloaded the radio edit version of the song for them.  That was, unfortunately, after they listened to the real version for a few days before I realized we definitely needed the radio version.  This song became our anthem during our annual trip to Naples, Florida to visit Nana & Papa Ledinsky.  They ended every day with a quick dance party to Boom Boom Cow before literally falling into bed in exhaustion.
Wyatt took up jogging while in Naples.  He's got some quick legs!  He ran further and faster than Jon or I could believe.  Of course, he had to have my I-pod, and as one of us jogged behind him, he was blissfully happy.
Little Kenna nearly caused Papa to drive off the road as she felt necessary to prove to him, as she rode in the backseat, that she knows the anatomically correct names for boy and girl parts of the body.  Papa is never going to forget that moment.  Jon or I were not in the car, but we heard a lot about that story later.
Unfortunately, Drake had pneumonia the first couple days we were in Florida.  After some rest and strong antibiotics, he was back on his feet.  However, one of the days he was feeling really awful, he had some insights about his little chatty sis.  As everyone is running around the condo and talking and making noise, Drake, laying on the couch, says, "Kenna! Be quiet! Stop talking!!"  I say to Drake, "Honey, we are in a small condo with a lot of people, there is going to be some noise."  Drake says, "But mom, she won't stop talking!  She is talking to invisible people!"  Poor guy, just wanted some quiet, but we all know, there isn't much of that in this family, and especially if K is around.  Speaking of Kenna, she has informed us that as of now, she only has pink & purple kisses, only wants to live in a pink house, and only wants to ride in a pink car.  She is not lacking opinions on much these days.

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