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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drake ~ Off He Goes!

Drake is off to kindergarten tomorrow.  Wow.  Two kids in school...seems unbelievable to me.  Drake was so matter-of-fact as a few of his grandparents called tonight to wish him luck.  He laid out the schedule, rules, what he had chosen for lunch, all very politely and without emotion.  It makes sense he would act this way, because to him, its just the thing to do, no fear, just what he is supposed to do...follow what Wyatt did all last year.  It is completely different than the conversations we had in the days leading up to Wyatt starting kindergarten last year.  Those conversations were about fear, newness, missing each other....

To Drake, this is just what he is supposed to do, no questions asked.  Its going to be a long 7 hours tomorrow; at least for me.  Again this year, I find myself teary, sad, wishing we could go back 30 days and just have a bit more of summer together.  But, summer will come again; and until then, I have a kindergartner to help get adjusted to being in school everyday.  However, more of a challenge for Drake....getting up in the morning.  He's my guy that likes to take his time, sleeping in, stretching, getting dressed slowly, having a leisurely breakfast...I'm sure he'll get used to the routine soon, however, I will take a bit longer to get used to him being at school more hours than he is awake at home.  My little, big guy....marching along to follow his big brother.

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