Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Friday, April 30, 2010

More Pink

Oh, Kenna Rae.  Thats all we can say when things like this come out of her cute little mouth...

Jess:  It is such a beautiful day today! (said on a perfect, blue sky day)
Kenna:  (in a very deliberate, grouchy voice)  It-Is-NOT-beautiful.........because-it-is-NOT-PINK!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hockey Player

Drake is playing hockey for the months of April & May.  This past winter, we put ice skates on him and he literally "took off" right away.  He begged every day this winter to go skating, and therefore, has loved hockey.  He has also enjoyed having Jon helping out and being out on the ice as well.  Drake is so stinkin' cute skating around with all that equipment on! Its a hard workout for the little guy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Retro Easter

Every year, Jess's mom & stepdad plan an extravagent Easter celebration.  Each year brings a new challenge for the siblings. Recent endeavors include; Top Chef, Supermarket Sweep, Survivor, Amazing get the idea.  This year, we were all to dress from the year we were born.  The day was filled with 60's/70's/80's food, drinks, games, music, and trivia.   A great time was had by all, and though Connie & Phil would not pick a winner, we all think Jon's costume takes the cake.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Before & After

Kenna loves that is an understatement.  She doesn't go 10 minutes, anymore, without pink being in her conversation.  She picked out a ball at Target and told everyone, "This is my ball named Pink."  Don't be fooled, its not a pink ball; its a ball named Pink.
She is now riding a big girl bike, and after assessing her brothers' green & orange bikes they no longer use, she was quick to tell us she needs a pink bike.  Always the re-user & recycler, I couldn't see buying a new bike, so instead, bought a can of spraypaint & thanks to a very handy husband.........whaa laa!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Girls Shopping Trip!

Kenna, Marla & I took Grandma Marjorie shopping today.  She was so estatic to buy a new pair of shoes & watch at JC Penneys.  Kenna had a lot of work to do...applying Grandma's chapstick and pushing her wheelchair.  We are so happy that Grandma feels good enough to do some shopping with us!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grandma Judy & Waterslides

We spent Saturday & Sunday at Wasserbahn Waterpark in Little Amana.  We met Grandma Judy there and many cousins and other family members.  The kids had a blast, and the older cousins were a great relief for us moms & dads, as the kids loved letting them "take care of them."  There was lots of fun in the water, miniature golf & running at the hotel playground.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just Like Daddy

Drake is taking an interest in "dressing up" for all occasions. With his shorts & tee-shirts, he routinely goes upstairs, puts on knee-high dress socks and his shiny, black dress shoes. He will do this multiple times a day, even going all-out and wearing a tie to play outside sometimes. He is so obsessed with being just like daddy. He has told us, he wants to wear his button-down shirt with a tie & go to "daddy's office."  Jon has promised Drake that next time Papa (Jim) comes to visit, they will dress up and go to a "business lunch."  As many of us know, that is right up Papa's alley!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Omaha Zoo

The kids had a day off preschool today, so the Anderson & Ledinsky moms & kids took a day trip to the Omaha Zoo.  It is an unbelievable zoo, with so many more animals than our kids are used to seeing.  The gorillas & the elephants were big hits.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Whew!  Easter was a fantastic whirlwind!  We had egg hunts in Windsor Heights, GG & Grandpa's & our backyard.  I cannot believe we managed a nice Easter breakfast with Nonnie & Sheriff, an egg hunt, family pics, and still made it to church by 9:30am.  That is quite a feat for this household.  We ended Easter with a celebration at GG & Grandpa's.  Though the kids love the Easter festivities...perhaps the most fun of the day were the moped rides.

Friday, April 2, 2010


GG & Grandpa Earp got the boys a zipline for Christmas.  Thanks to Jon, after many mathematical equations, measuring, and I am sure some choice words, it is up in our backyard.  The kids are estatic and were riding it at 7:45am this morning in their pjs for the first time.  See our video link on the right side of this page for some footage of the zipline's maiden voyage.

Intro to Pantyhose

We went to the mall today to see the Easter Bunny and ride the Easter train.  My kids rarely go to the mall, so to do this all in one place, plus eat in the food court, play in the play area, look at new cars on display in the middle of the mall, and take some time to listen to the Von Maur was a sweet trip for them.  We love the pianist at Von Maur, and this one was especially great, as she played "preschooler requests" for quite a while, to everyone's enjoyment.  You still wonder how this is getting to "pantyhose?"

Drake:  Mom, does she have African American legs?
(she, being a caucasian female, wearing black pantyhose)
Jess:  No, Drake...(stumbling on and on trying to explain what pantyhose are and their different color configurations).

The Spork...A great comparision tool

Kenna: Who’s God!?
Jess:  (a very intelligent, preschooler-level answer)
Drake: Does God wear long or short sleeve?
Jess: I bet he has both, don’t you think?
Wyatt: He has, like a, you know a spork? Like that. His shirt is kinda short sleeve, and kinda long. (pointing to his elbow)
Wyatt:  What is the first song that God made in the world?
Jess:  I am not sure.
Wyatt:  Probably "Boom Boom Pow."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fours!

Wyatt ran in from preschool today and was full of April Fools jokes. 
Wyatt:  Mom! Harley has a baby puppy!  April Fools!
Mom!  Someone's going potty! April Fools!
...and on and on and on.  He was so proud of himself, making jokes.
Drake caught onto the 'joke' part, but after each one yelled, "April Fours!"

We are thrilled it is spring!  We have filled the week with walks, hikes in Greenwood Park, biking, lots of roller skating, tree climbing & even got the hose out in the backyard already.  Despite the lovely weather, each child asks at least once a day..."How many days until we go back to Florida?"
Wyatt tried to show Kenna & Drake how to "flush" their teeth tonight (aka..floss).