Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

Kids are snuggled into their beds...but not before Wyatt puked (residual from Drake puking on Tuesday).  Hopefully, this bug is as short lived as Drake's was.  Andersons (tho Brad m.i.a. due to Ukraine duty) came to celebrate with us.  We ordered pizza, decorated cupcakes, had a dance party, and had a blast! As we tucked the tikes into bed, Kenna said, "Mama, you are my girlfriend.  Dad is my girlfriend. First I marry Dad, then you."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here Comes Santa Claus

We went to Christmas Eve service at Westminster tonight.  Kenna went to the nursery, but the boys came into the service with us.  They were so excited for the candle lighting at the end of the services.  However, right after the first song, Drake says, in a normal voice, which everyone around us heard, "where's the food?"  And after every song, he asked some question about when we are going to eat, he is hungry, etc. When we started Silent Light, he remembered we raise the candle at the last phrase of each verse...he was only 2 last year! What a memory!
We got home, and had fondue.  That was interesting with the little tots, but we hope to make it a Christmas Eve tradition.  We got everything ready for Santa & the reindeer and the kids composed a letter;
Dear Santa,
Wyatt - I hope you like our cookies.  There are a couple carrots for your reindeer and some milk.
Drake - I love youo and somebody's the naughty list.  Ashley's on the naughty list.  She hit Janie.
Wyatt - Santa, she doesn't live here. The only girls are mom & Kenna.  She lives in some house in Arkensas.  You'll see her. 
Kenna - I love Santa.  Babydolls.
Wyatt - We love you Santa. The End.
Wyatt, Drake, Kenna, Jon & Jess live here.

Then Jon read Twas the night before Christmas & The Grinch stole Christmas.  I told the kids they could eat one of the cookies we made today during the stories by the fire.  After they finished their cookies, Drake went in the kitchen and came back with, not another cookie, but the slice of bread that I put in the container to keep them moist.  Then he sat and ate his slice of bread during the stories.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up.........

I had asked Wyatt to help Kenna get to the bathroom b/c I was consoling Drake who just bumped his head.  Kenna was just in her undies b/c we were in the middle of getting jammies put on.  Drake and I walk into the bathroom, and here it goes...
Wyatt, pointing to Kenna's nipples, "and Kenna, you will be a mommy and feed babies from here.  You will be a mommy.  I want to to be a fireman, mom."
Kenna, "I want to be a mommy with babies."
Drake, "I want to be a hunter.  Mom, hunters have real guns, right?"
Wyatt, "Drake, you have to be really old to have a real gun, like older than daddy.  He can't have a real gun."
Kenna, "I want to be a fireman mommy."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter is here!

We have dove headfirst into winter and anticipating Christmas. Yesterday we got 14.5 inches of snow. Wyatt played outside for an hour and half...without even coming to the door one time. I don't think that has ever happened, even in the summer. He always is asking for something or some help. He was busy building a snow fort with Nick, next door neighbor. Drake joined in as well, but was more excited about the thrill of going down the neighbor's slide with great speed, as it was slick already and the snow pants made him even go faster.
Kenna has been swooning over Nick lately. When he comes over, she follows him around, complimenting him on his shirt or toys, or anything, and talking in this flirty, high-pitched voice. Totally hilarious.
When I brought Drake to school the other day, we had quite a funny moment. He is supposed to go wash his hands before playing. I walked over to the sink with him and he started to pull his pants down a little. Quicker than words could pour out of my mouth in astonishment, he casually said, "Oops, wrong thing," and pulled them up and started washing his hands. It was hysterical.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today marks the last of the 'sort-of' warm days....tomorrow I think, for us, winter will begin. The past few days we have spent every moment possible outside, knowing this change is coming.  Hats, boots, mittens...a new adventure.   Drake can't wait for snow.  He, literally, talks about it all year. 
This week also marks the official milestone that I have lost control of Kenna's wardrobe.  My 2 year old learned to open her closet door and her dresser drawers, and those of her brothers' and is forcibly taking the reigns of her own fashion choices.