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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dear Mrs. Joyce

Wyatt's teacher, Mrs. Joyce, asks parents to write her a letter describing their child.  This is meant to help her get to know her students.  This exercise was fun for me to really think about Wyatt, his personality, and what drives him.  He also got to be the "Person of the Week" this month in Mrs. Joyce's class.
Dear Mrs. Joyce,
Wyatt is the oldest of three children and definitely takes on many traits of the “oldest” in our family.  Speaking as the oldest of five kids, I can relate.  He wants things organized, correct and confirmed.  As the oldest, he sometimes forgets that I am the mom, not him, and gets himself into trouble with this mistake.  He is very creative; especially with art & music.  He is a very talented drummer, which began when he was three.  Wyatt amazes everyone with his rhythmic abilities, especially on songs he has not heard before.  He also loves the piano, and has taken lessons since he was three. 

Currently, his favorite sport is basketball, though he thoroughly enjoys about any sport right now.  I have really seen him develop a competitive sense, in sports, recently.  He also developed a sense of “practice makes perfect.”  He spent many hours this summer practicing his basketball skills and other things he wanted to improve on.  Wyatt has a soft spot for animals and babies and is not afraid of a bug out there.  He absolutely loves building with Legos or recyclables; whatever he can find, always using lots of tape.

Wyatt and his brother, Drake, are 17 months apart, share a room and are very close.  Though, when around friends, Wyatt sometimes “forgets” about his brother, at home, they are joined at the hip.  As school gets underway, we are working on making sure he takes his brother under his wing, or at least gives him a smile, even if he is busy with his own friends.  Kenna, his sister, absolutely adores him and wants to hug him constantly.  As he’s gotten older, he isn’t very fond of his little sister hugging him all the time, especially when he’s in front of his friends. 

Wyatt survives on peanut butter & honey sandwiches, is obsessed with Wii & Legos, and is very loved by his family & friends.  I hope he shows much growth this year in your classroom, academically & socially and embraces the kind community you create. 

Thanks for all you do as a great Greenwood teacher!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kenna Rae off to Preschool

Kenna started pre-k at Plymouth Nursery School with confidence and joy.  When our plans to attend Westminster preschool this fall were shattered, over the summer, with some significant personnel changes at Westminster, Kenna took it in stride.  She only knew one child in her new class, Harper.  However, she has made many friends and is having a great time.  We love her teachers, too!  Another plus is that Plymouth is just up the street, so we can walk.