Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kenna the Fashionista

Kenna is very adamant on what she wears each day.  She is very into tights, and refuses to wear pants, jeans, pretty much anything that is not tights.  I've decided to pick my battles and fashion is not one of them, currently.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Special Treats from Great Grandma Judy

Great Grandma Judy sent the kids each five dollars for Christmas. Usually, we immediately put the money they receive into their piggy banks.  However, once in a while, it goes in an envelope in mom's purse & they get to use it as they see fit.  They have gotten their money's worth out of their $5 this time.  A couple weeks ago, we all went to get the boys hair cut at the Roosevelt Barber Shop.  There is a smoothie shop right next door.  They ALWAYS ask to go there, and we rarely do, however, the special envelope came in handy, as they decided they wanted to spend some of their money on a smoothie.  They each had $3 left.  Today was a perfect day to use their last $3, as it was a balmy 30+ degrees outside, so Drake, Kenna & I walked to Greenwood to pick up Wyatt, and from there, walked to Bauders old fashioned soda fountain, and they used their remaining $3 each for a special treat.  Wyatt got a walking taco (you see Drake in the pic finishing it off), Drake a rootbeer float, and Kenna~chocolate ice cream.  They thoroughly enjoyed their treats as much as they enjoyed going to the counter & paying for their purchase themselves.  Thanks Grandma Judy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Surprised the heck out of far this winter, I have taken a snowshoe class & a cross country skiing class.  Super fun, great exercise & Polk Country Conservation makes it super easy to take the class, providing all the equipment, etc.  Hoping to make this a regular activity to keep us active during the winter months.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Park ~ First Ledinsky Family Ski Trip

Jon & I took the boys to Winter Park over MLK weekend.  We had an absolute blast.  The boys attended 2 half days of ski school and one full day.  They were both naturals on the slopes.  To no surprise, their teacher reported, after the first day, that, "Drake did great, but is quite a speed demon."  Oh really???  He has no fear, and thinks no matter how fast he goes, he will be able to stop.  That makes mom and dad a bit nervous.  Wyatt is a thrill-seeker too, but tends to ski a bit more cautiously and in-control.  Drake was obsessed with his helmet (thank goodness), his googles & all the gear.  He woke up each morning and put his gear on, right away.  Check out our link, on the right, to see some live skiing.  Here's a favorite of a small crash between Wyatt & Drake.

The only downside was an awful blizzard the day we left, which added 7 hrs to the already long journey & held us up an extra day.  Kenna stayed in Des Moines, spending time with Nonnie/Sheriff & GG/Grandpa.  We talked to her a few times, and she did not seem to miss us a bit, as she was being thoroughly spoiled at both houses.  We are ready to plan our next trip, ASAP, and cannot wait to get little Kenna on skis as well.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kenna's First Mani & Pedi

Nonnie took Kenna for her first manicure & pedicure today.  She was in heaven & felt so special.  She was pampered all the way.  The next day, when eating raspberries, she asked for a fork so she did not "mess up my nails."  Priceless.....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drake's 5th Birthday

Our (big) little guy is 5!  Cannot believe kindergarten is around the corner!  He had a perfect venue for his birthday party with his friends.  We had it at the Raccoon River Nature Lodge.  It was an animal birthday party; which meant all the kids could hold, pet & feed many different animals.  Drake was elated.  They fed toads, turtles, bunnies, snakes, & cockroaches.  Fun was had by all. We also   had celebrations at Westminster Preschool, Nonnie's, GG's and at home.  He got a coveted "real" red, electric guitar from mom, dad, Wyatt & Kenna.  For his birthday dinner out, he choose (same as last year), a "place where they cook in front of you."  He got to go behind the chef's table & help cook, which was very exciting.