Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wyatt's 6th Birthday

Wyatt had a fabulous 6th birthday party in our backyard; complete with sack races, recycled artwork, build-your-own sundaes & the annual water balloon fight.  Lisa Anderson stepped in as our talented face painter.  A wonderful time was had by all! On his actual birthday, mom & dad surprised him with 4 tickets to Adventureland Amusement Park.  He was ecstatic.  Jon, cousin Jack, Wyatt & Drake had a great time, complete with many rides on the upside-down roller coaster.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baby Isaac ~ Born 7/19/10

Wyatt, Drake & Kenna were very excited to welcome a new cousin to the mix, Isaac, son of Joe & Leslie.  They cannot keep their hands off him!  Wyatt and Drake actually felt a little bad for Kenna that she still doesn't have a "girl cousin" but we still have hope in Jon & Jess's other siblings' future children!  Kenna does not seem to mind, she just loves having a baby around!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


1, 2, 3
There are about 2 weeks per year (b/w 7/12-7/28) that the kids' ages are consecutive; between Wyatt & Kenna's birthdays.  The past couple years, I have taken a picture of them during this time.  Here are their pics at; 1, 2, 3 ('08);  2, 3, 4 ('09); and 3, 4, 5 ('10).
2, 3, 4
3, 4, 5

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kenna's 3rd Birthday

Kenna celebrated her birthday with a small party at home with a few friends & was elated with princess cupcakes & gifts associated with Care Bears.  We also celebrated with Nana & Papa  and again on our trip to the Kramers in Arkansas.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Grandma Marjorie

Grandma Marjorie passed away on July 4th, 2010.  Though we knew this was coming, as she has had an aggressive cancer since last year, it still took a toll.  This was the first time the kids had dealt with death of a loved one, and they kept it interesting with laughs, heart-felt emotion, and sincere questions.  We came home from vacation a day early for the funeral & visitation.  As I ran around the house, once we arrived home after 9 days, trying to get the essentials taken care of before I ran off to Grandma's house to work on funeral preparations, Wyatt chased me around with a pad of paper and pen.
"Mom!  I want to write to Grandma Marjorie!" 
I sat down, and wrote frantically, as the words spilled out of him.  I wish I could say it was my idea to write this, but it was all his.  After he was done, I asked Kenna & Drake if they had something to say.  The rest is history, as they say.  I brought these 3 letters to my Grandma's house that night, just for the reason to share with the people there (Aunt Linda, Marla & Jackie).  I was planning to either glue them on one of the picture boards we were creating or place them in her casket the next day.  Everyone was insistent that I bring them the next day and have the Minister read them at the funeral.  However, the next day, it was decided by many, that it would be better if I read them myself.  I thought I would be able to do it, and went to the pulpit.  I could not form any words, therefore, Marla took over.  She did a great job; reading these thoughts from the little tots.

Grandma Marjorie,
I hope you have a good time.  I wish you were still alive, but you had to die.  Sometime God will give you a new body and you will have good times.  It's going to be fun with God.  You will have a good time; great days.  Everything will be fine.  You'll have a rockin' out roll.  You'll have so much fun, you might want to stay there forever; and you will.  You'll love it.  I've read a book of it.  It will be so much fun.  It's going to be rock and roll.  Everyone who knows you, loves you.  It's so wonderful to have you with God.
Love, Wyatt.

Grandma Marjorie,
I love you.  I hope you feel better.  Goodbye.  And I really miss you.
Love, Drake

Grandma Marjorie,
I love you.  I like to play at your house.  I love you in the morning.
Love, Kenna

This picture is great for this post, as we loved to ride our bike(s) to Grandma's house this spring & summer.  The kids brought her so much joy over the past months; we will miss her!