Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Friday, June 25, 2010

VBS @ Westminster

We just finished a week of Vacation Bible School at Westminster Presbyterian.  The kids had a great time, and in Wyatt's words, "Mom, I want to sign up for 100 days of Bible School!" Jess was a teacher in Drake's classroom.  They were a great group of kids, and she really enjoyed it.  Jess got to see first-hand, instead of having to believe his preschool teachers, that Drake really is a great student in preschool.  He seems to put away most of his crazy, dangerous stunts, wild behavior we see at home and be a model student. 
For the song performance, Drake & Kenna were asked to move to the front row, by the music director, because they were so animated with the choreography and knew the words to all the songs.  Click on our family videos to see their adorable performance.  Drake really broke out as our family singer.  What a sweetie!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

GG & Grandpa's 25th Anniversary

We celebrated Marla & Mike's 25th Wedding Anniversary with our family by taking a small bus to Summerset Winery to listen to music & relax.  The kids loved riding the bus, and were quick to tell Jon that they would really like to buy a bus.  As you can see from the pic, Kenna couldn't quite make it all the way home and dozed off, while Riley got his money's worth of soda.
We also spent time at GG & Grandpa's house doing their usual favorites; moped rides, tractor rides, drumming with Uncle Jake, and spending time with Bri, Jake's girlfriend.  Luckily, she was able to join us for the party.  The kids were glued to her side!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Race for Four

Wyatt has been begging us to run a "real race."  We didn't realize he had his own bucket list, and really needs to check this off right now.  Jon has never run a 5k or a race whatsoever.  We talked him into it (not too hard, he runs all the time) just so the kids could sign up for the kiddie race.  They each had very different reactions after their individual age group's race.
Kenna:  She ran about 10 feet towards the finish line, then backtracked, found mom, and insisted mom run the race with her.
Drake: Came in second place in the 4's.  After said, "I really don't like running, because it's just running and nothing else."
Wyatt:  He practiced, was nervous and talked about the race for many days preceding.  He was in first place for most of the race, then got feet tangled with someone and tripped.  However, most importantly, he got immediately up and finished the race.  Right after, he asked, "Can I run a race tomorrow?"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nonnie's Cabin (and Sheriff)

On our way back from Kansas City, we stopped in Keosauqua, Iowa, at Nonnie's cabin.  The kids absolutely love life here.  They spend their time riding golf carts around the neighborhood, tractor rides, fishing, and swinging on the tire swing.   We found a great beach at a nearby lake.  The kids totally surprised us with their desire and patience for fishing.  They are "hooked!"
When we returned home after 4 days, the kids were elated to see their pets, Harley & Peanut.  Their love & time spent with their pets grows every day now, and they really worry about them when we are gone, excitedly hug & kiss them constantly, and even tell them both how much they love them everyday.