Its fast-paced, its crazy, its loud, rarely a dull moment....that's the Ledinsky house on an average day. Take a peek inside Life as a Ledinsky.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jiggle Jam in Kansas City

We spent Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City at Jiggle Jam with the Kramer family.  This was our second year going, and we had an absolutely fabulous time.  Jiggle Jam is basically, kiddie lollapalooza.  An extra special bonus, is we got to meet little, sweet Mary Jo Kramer for the first time (born 4/2).  Between Wyatt, Drake, Kenna & Jess, little MJ was only put down when she slept.  Kenna would run down the hall at the hotel to follow the other kids to go swimming, then run all the way back because she forgot to kiss MJ & tell her goodbye. 
One workshop at Jiggle Jam was called "Garage Band."  The idea was that kids could go in and jam with the adults running the workshop and try out different insturments.  Wyatt was shy at first, and Drake actually was the first to drum to a couple songs.  After a while, Wyatt got up the courage to go play drums with the adults.  Then, he was hooked!  We couldn't get him out of there, and the people running it kept asking him back.  They even gave our whole family free tickets to the second day of JJam because they wanted Wyatt to come back and drum.  Jiggle Jam posted a video of Wyatt on their Facebook page, and he got quite a bit of buzz.  You can see a video here;
More family videos (including Wyatt's drumming) is on our youtube site.  Click on the link on the right side of this page.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last Days of Preschool

Wyatt officially graduated from Westminster Preschool.  He had his end of the year picnic at Ashby Park.  Kenna & Drake had ice-cream parties to celebrate.  A few tears were shed, mostly from mom, but Wyatt is so elated to be considered a "kindergartner" now.
If you click to the right of this page, and go to our videos, you can see a clip of Kenna singing her favorite song, Tutti Tot.  Here are two pics to compare how the kids looked their first day of school to their last day.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nana & Papa Visit

The kids had not seen Nana & Papa Ledinsky since February, so they were super excited for their visit.  We spent one day at Ledges State Park and had a picnic.  The kids loved the water and climbing all over the place.  The next day, Nana & Papa got to see Wyatt's soccer game & Drake's hockey practice.  We ended the day with a Justin Roberts concert.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hike at Walnut Woods

Summer is here!  We took a family hike at Walnut Woods.  Its a good thing no one in our family is too afraid of bugs, frogs or the like.  The kids are obsessed with these things, and we have several jars of random organisms at all times.